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Informed Consent in the Newly Established Biobank

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Informed consent is an important document for every existing biobank or repository to obtain, store and use human biospecimens and associated data and information for current and future research. Biobanka have undergone great progress worldwide during the last three decades and have become an integral part of personalized medicine and health care systéms and due to new scientific and social guestions to be solved.

Ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI) guarantee safe sample and data management, and informed consent is one of the key ELSI documents. The form and the consent given in biobank informed consent forms differs between biobank-related institutions, national biobanks, betwen EU states, and to find the optimal informed consent requires one to futfil national and international laws and regulations.

The Biobank i Pilsen, Czech Republic was officially opened on April the 20th 2017 as hospital-integrated biobank, and the informed consent was one of the esential documents that had to be ready prior the opening. The proces of formulating informed consent corespondisponding with institutional. national, and rules and laws to share the experience, to present the challlenges, and to demonstrate the national the national dissimilarity are tasks of the article.