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The impact of a single use of the secretion from the glands of the Colorado River toad (Bufo alvarius) on selected personality characteristics - Pilot study

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Introduction. The secretion of the Colorado River toad contains the psychedelic 5-MeO-DMT.

In the Czech Republic the use of this substance has lately spread among those interested in self-discovery and spiritual development. However, neither the exact effects of the 5-MeO-DMT on human psyche nor the possible risks linked to the use of the 5-MeO-DMT have been sufficiently documented.

Objectives. The aim of this pilot study was to explore the possible impact of a single administration of 100 mg of the dried secretion of Bufo alvarius on selected personality characteristics.

Sample and procedure. 25 respondents completed a battery of seven questionnaires before the administration of the 5-MeO-DMT (1st measurement), 3 days after the administration (2nd measurement) and 60 days after the administration (3rd measurement). Results.

The Wilcoxon signed-rank tests revealed statistically significant differences between the 1st and 3rd measurement in three observed variables - in nonattachment (Nonattachment Scale-Short Form - NAS-SF-CZ; d = 0.43), in self-compassion (Self-Compassion Scale - SCS-26-CZ-CSR; d = 0.46) and in transcendental awareness (Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory - SISRI-24-CZ-TA; d = 0.49). On the other hand, significant differences were not confirmed in quiet ego (Quiet Ego Scale - QES-CZ; d = 0.15), in fear of death (Death Attitude Profile-Revised - DP-R-CZ-FD; d = 0.37), in gratitude (Gratitude Questionnaire - GQ-6-CZ; d = 0.35) or in portrait values of respondents (Portrait Values Questionnaire - PVQ-21-CZ; d = 0-0.09).

Conclusion. It seems that the 5-MeO-DMT has a therapeutic potential.

Health professionals should discuss issues related to the screening of candidates for the administration of the 5-MeO-DMT, to health risks, to set and setting as well as to appropriate support during the integration of this experience.