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Digitisation of old maps, atlases and globes in the Map Collection of the Faculty of Science Charles University

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Contribution has brought the preparation, progress and result of the massive digitisation process closer. A data processing model in both internal and external system was introduce.

The author also dealt with the processing of bibliographic and technical standardised metadata (MARC xml, METS, MIX). Their importance for the subsequent selection of documents was emphasized.

Georeferenced points were created both during the cataloguing and by the method of interactive crowdsourcing with users after the publication of digitized works in portal. Digitization took place at an external company.

Examples of good practise for preparation (restoration) and transmission (documentation) of rare prints to external companies were mentioned. The lecture also touched on 3D digitization and on making the samples of globes and models available.

The data archiving took place first on a separate server, currently the data are stored in the CESNET storage in tiff format. 68, 000 map and atlas sheets have been described, digitized and made available. The accessibility was carried out through the Digital University Repository and the Digital Map Collection.

The use of both portals is high. Web portals of major cartographers Karel Kuchař, Ludvík Mucha and Jaromír Janka have been also made available.

Data have been integrated into the portal of world map collections and also into EUROPEANA.