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Active border as a model towards the europeanization of civil society : The report from research of cross border cooperation in two trilateral euroregions

Publication at Faculty of Science |


This article is a research note which summarizes the results of our survey of mayors and mayoress from two trilateral Euroregions (Nisa and Šumava). In our questionnaire, altogether we collected responses from 79 mayors, we have focused on their experience and perception with cross border cooperation.

As a theoretical background we have employed the concept of active border, which is also briefly presented in this article. This concept attempts to balance a need for social bordering on the one hand with a cognitive openness, public learning and with a capacity to cooperate (or, even integrate) with others on the other hand.

We explore the question, whether and to what extent a positive perception of borders and cross border cooperation contribute to the process of horizontal (active border) Europeanization and development of complementary and inclusive collective identities. We found convincing evidence about strong links between mayors' attachment to the EU, and the perception of cross border cooperation as beneficial for their town (or village).

We also found close link between mayors' critical (and reflexive) attitudes to historical conflicts or injuries, and their perception of borders as an opportunity. Lastly, we were able to identify four distinctive clusters of mayors which differ discernibly regarding the extent, to which their identities were transformed in mutual interplays within their perception and experience of cross border cooperation.