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Dactylomonas gen. nov., a Novel Lineage of Heterolobosean Flagellates with Unique Ultrastructure, Closely Related to the Amoeba Selenaion koniopes Park, De Jonckheere & Simpson, 2012 (vol 66, pg 120, 2019)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


In the article: Hanouskova, P., Taborsky, P. & Cepi cka, I. (2018). Dactylomonas gen. nov., a Novel Lineage of Heterolo- bosean Flagellates with Unique Ultrastructure, Closely Related to the Amoeba Selenaion koniopes Park, De Jonckheere & Simpson, 2012.

J. Eukaryot.

Microbiol., in press, we forgot to include the Acknowledgments in the final version. The Acknowledgments section is: Corrigenda: This work was supported by the Grant Agency of Charles University (project 1502617), Czech Science Foundation (project 18-18699S), and Charles University specific research grant no SVV 260 434/2018.

The authors thank Jan Ebr, Ivana Ebrova, Vladimır Hampl, and Marketa Lorencov a for collecting samples of sediments, and William Bourland for English editing and proofreading.