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Traumatic lesions of peripheral nerves and brachial plexus in children

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Peripheral nerve injuries result from traffic, sports as well as leisure-time accidents. Assessment of nerve lesions in children is part of routine outpatient and consultant neurological practice at a traumatology ward.

According to its extent, an injury can be partial or complete; according to prognosis, transient or permanent; depending on the cause, it can be blunt, sharp, open, traction, compression, and contusion; neurovascular or iatrogenic. Classification includes three basic types: neurapraxia, axonotmesis, and neurotmesis.

The diagnostic procedure mainly involves identifying nerve compression or transection prior to its irreversible damage which results in muscle injury as well. Treatment is conservative or surgical.

Rehabilitation is an important part of treatment. In children as compared with adults, the prognosis of functional recovery after peripheral nerve repair is much better when the treatment is indicated appropriately.