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Assessment of body posture and muscle imbalance in first league women handball players

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Aim o this study was examine the the motiaon apparatus, with a focus on body posture and presence of muscle imbalance in in first league women handbal players (n = 15, age - 15 - 19 years). There are numerous deviations (40 - 80 %) in the area of scapulas, shoulder joint (asymetry in arm height, protraction), shortering (40 - 60 %) of m. trapezius, m. pectoralis maior that refer to upper crossed syndrome.

The occurence of lower crossed syndrome is supported by asymmetries (27 - 47 %) in the area of thighs, knee joints, ankle joints position and changes in foot arch, that correspond with frequency of shortering (47 - 73 %) of m. quadriceps femoris, m. iliopoas, mm. adductores femoris and hamstrings.