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Genereal skiing training with fun

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


General skiing training is the basis for all forms of skiing. During general skiing training children learn basic skiing skills which they need to get complex skiing perceptions which are essential for skiing - feel for snow, feel for glide and feel for speed.

Elements of general skiing training are performed and taught on a fl at or moderate slope which is well prepared and maintained. We can use both downhill or cross country skis to teach basic skiing skills.

Children get to know the skiing equipment and learn how to use it. They learn basic skiing position and basic moves - falling and standing up, step turns and walking on skis.

On moderate slope children learn how to climb the hill, how to ski downhill in a basic skiing position, how to brake and how to make side steps. Crossing the terrain bumps and learning the snow plough turns is also part of general skiing training.