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Analysis of distractors in a didactic test from Physical Education

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The present study represents one of the steps in the development of the knowledge test from Physical Education. This is a pilot version of the test verified on sample of 87 pupils, which is based on the Standard of basic Education for the 9th grade of elementary school.

The aim of the study was to analyse the alternatives of the answers in the didactic test. Using the mixed IRT model of the nominated 2PL NRM categories, five test items were analysed with task type selection from 4 options.

The probability of their choice was determined for the individual response categories based on the latent feature level. The results are presented by graphical visualisation of category characteristic curves (OCC).

Based on this information, we have inferred the distractors within the item, so we could edit and change the noncompliant responses. The two test tasks are rather dichotomous.

At the same time, the study serves as a methodological basis for the following test design.