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Evaluation in School Physical Education and Pupils ' Attitude towards Physical Activity

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


This monograph deals with the assessment in physical education, particularly, with an effort to identify those variables that have a significant impact on the overall grade from this school subject. We observe gender and age differences, the relationship of students to physical education, an active attitude to sport outside the school environment, a family influence, but also pupil's lifestyle and also performances and abilities of pupils.

None of these factors can explain the evaluation itself, but the evaluation can satisfactorily be described with a grade only thanks to their collective influence. The variables were divided, using the discriminant analysis, into a total of 10 variables (gender, age and BMI of a pupil, percentage of excuses from physical education lessons, time devoted to a physical activity during free time, selected attitudinal dimension, level of motoric performance and sporting activity of parents) which were proved to have a significant connection with the grade from physical education and which common influence can explain the grade satisfactorily.

Accordance of the real grade with our theoretical model exceeds 95%.