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Plethysmographic and biochemical methods as new possibilities of non-invasive assesment of endothelial dysfunction in children with cystic fibrosis - a combined diagnostic approach

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a serious autosomal recessive hereditary multiorgan disease. The goal of the treatment is to improve the quality of life of patients, extend the life expectancy and reduce CF complications.

Endothelilal dysfunction (ED) plays an important role in the development of premature atherosclerosis, hypertension and heart failure. The aim of the study was to evaluate the endothelial function using a combination fo Reactive Hyperemic Index (RHI) measurements based on plethysmographic measurement of peripheral arterial tone (PAT) and selected biochemical parameters in a ris group of CF children.

The combined diagnostic approach could be a suitable method for the detection of ED and subsequent assessment of cardiovascular risk in the long term.