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The Specific Language Impairment in Bilingual Children

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Introduction: The specific language impairment in bilingual children is a very difficult topic. There is a lack of studies related to specific language impairment in bilingual children.

There is no study in the Czech population so far. The aim of our study was to analyze a group of bilingual children with specific language impairment.

Patients and Methods: We analyzed a group of bilingual children with specific language impairment. The results were compared to the group of monolingual children with the same diagnosis.

Both groups underwent clinical speech examination and clinical speech tests. Results were compared and statistically analyzed.

For statistical evaluation was used T- test. Results: The results of entry examination were better in monolingual children and they have shown a better outcome of tests at follow up examination.

The results of clinical examination of the speech correlated to results of clinical tests. Conclusion: Based on statistical analysis we proved that bilingual education has a negative impact on speech rehabilitation in children with specific language impairment.