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Level of Personality Functioning - Czech Pilot Study of a Brief Questionnaire LPFS-BF

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Education |


LPFS-BF (Bach & Hutsebaut, 2018; Hutsebaut et al., 2016) is a short questionnaire assessing the level of personality functioning from The Alternative Model for Personality Disorders introduced in Section III of DSM-5. Presented study focuses on the conversion of this 12-item questionnaire to Czech.

Authors of this study administrated LPFS-BF to general population (N = 440) as well as psychiatric patients (N = 48). The psychometric properties of the Czech version are satisfactory despite small shortcomings.

However, the questionnaire showed good ability to distinguish between general population and population with psychiatric diagnosis. Predicted associations with Big Five personality traits Neuroticism and Conscientiousness was found.

Use of the LPFS-BF in practice and interpretation of results is recommended with caution.