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Defunct Czech lands. Solution of the NAKI project

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The project of the applied research of the national and cultural identity (NAKI) of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic is dealing with problems of lost cultural landscapes in Czechia. Its aim is to identify, document, visualise and present the heritage of various cultural landscape types vanished in the period of dynamic changes in society from the end of the 18th century till present.

The aim of the project is also to contribute to preservation and exploitation of this heritage in the field of landscape protection and territorial development. From methodological point of view, methods of geoinformatics, historical and cultural geography, social a and physical geography as well as landscape ecology are combined.

On the whole 40 model areas, representing different types of lost cultural landscapes will be documented in years 2018-2021: lost montane and postmontane landscape, landscape of former fish pond systems, flooded landscape of river valleys and alluvial plains, vanished industrial landscape, lost landscape of mountain agriculture, vanished landscape of fruit orchards, changes in landscapes of intensive agriculture, military and postmilitary landscapes, changed urban and suburban landscapes, lost landscapes in borderland etc. The output of the project will be presented by Digital atlas of lost landscapes in Czechia, interactive and mobil software application for public on the project website.