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The Safety of Childrensin Carrying Out Chemical Experiments in Schooland Out-Of-School Activities

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Injuries to children caused by accidents involving the handling of hazardous chemicals are a relatively serious problem. They cause severe injuries, often with permanent health consequences.

However, most of them would not have to happen at all if the adults responsible for carrying out chemical experiments - be it teachers, or leaders of interest groups or children's camps - were more careful in their OSH duties. Today's time calls for clarity, interactivity and practical dimension of teaching in schools, but also during extracurricular activities of children.

Sometimes, however, this is at the expense of security, as is shown by known cases. In order to effectively prevent such events, it is necessary to pay serious attention to this topic and to develop appropriate practical tools for chemistry teachers and leisure trainers.

To this end, the BEDOX project was launched. Its aim is to evaluate the working procedures of selected 100 chemical experiments for teaching chemistry as a general educational subject and to verify the quality of their safety and didactic aspects.

The project thus responds to recent changes in legislation, in particular the adoption of the new standard ČSN 01 8003.