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MUDr. František Kriegel, CSc. (1908-1979) - memory on doctor and controversial politician

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


František Kriegel was born in small city of Stanislaviv (today Ivano-Frankivsk in western Ukrain) on 10. 4. 1908. He finished his medical studies in medical faculty in Prague in 1934.

He became member of Communist party. In November 1936 in went to Spain and as a doctor participated in the combats of civil war on republican side since 1937.

During his internment in France 2nd World War erupted. He didn't return to occupied homeland and joined was transported to China to fight against Japanese aggressors.

Till 1945 he participated in combats on so called Assam road. After war as a member of Communist party he was engaged in high political positions.

After 1952 he was dismissed from the position of health ministry deputy. He returned to the hospital, and was specialized in rheumatology.

In the second half of the 60th he restarted his political career as the sympathizer of Dubček's reform wing. After the invasion of Warsaw pact armies on 21. 8. 1968 he was together with other state representatives transported to Moscow.

He was the only who refused to sign the dictate of so called Moscow protocol. He was step-vise relieved from all political positions and in 1970 sent to retirement.

He died on 3. 12. 1979. Foundation Chart 77 founded in 1987 František Kriegel's Price to appreciate extraordinary merits in fight for human rights and civil freedom.