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Science Education Development in the Czech Republic since 1989

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The Czech education system has been undergoing a number of changes in the past 30 years. Changes took place also in science education; a paradigm shift - mostly due to the new educational system open for new educational trends - can be recognized.

This article maps these changes in the Czech Republic. Strategic and conceptual documentsoriginatingfromtheMinistryofEducationanddocumentsdraftedbyorganizations as e.g.

Czech School Inspectorate are examined by a thematic qualitative analysis. Based onthefindings, authors present abroader context of science education.

In the second part of the article the authors focus on changes in the objectives for science education by analyzing the target orientation of curricula since 1989. The authors conclude that the shift of science curriculum for lower secondary schools reflectscurrenttrendsineducation.

The curriculum is also reflective of the goals and objectives of key national and international educational strategies. Still, authors suggest some changes for the future curricular revisions, for example: Explicit definition of scientific literacy/competence in the curricula, and a greater emphasis on science education in the general curricular goals.