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Semiotics of Estonian E-Threats. An Interview with Mari-Liis Madisson

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Mari-Liis Madisson conductsresearch on semiotics ofrisk and e-threats within the Estonian political context at the Department of Semiotics at the University of Tartu, where she also chairs the Media and Communication Department. She teaches courses about media semiotics and online culture.

Her research interests, however, cover also other topics in cultural semiotics, political semiotics, identity studies, media studies and strategic communication with respect to surveillance and communication in cybersphere. She is the author of The Semiotic Construction of Identities in Hypermedia Environments: The Analysis of Online Communication of the Estonian Extreme Right (Tartu University Press, 2016).

The interview wasconducted in August 2017 during the Summer School of Semiotics in Tartu, where she, along with her colleague Andreas Ventsel, delivered a presentation on their current research. We also spoke about her view of media literacy and perception ofcyberthreats among the general public.