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De-randomized Meta-Differential Evolution for Calculating and Predicting Glucose Levels

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


A physiological model improves delivered healthcare, when constructing a medical device. Such a model comprises a number of parameters.

While an analytical method determines model parameters, an evolutionary algorithm can improve them further. As evolutionary algorithms were designed on top of random-number generators, their results are not deterministic.

This raises a concern about their applicability to medical devices. Medical-device algorithm must produce an output with a minimum guaranteed accuracy.

Therefore, we applied de-randomized sequences to Meta-Differential Evolution instead of using a random-number generator. Eventually, we designed an optimization method based on zooming with de-randomized sequences as an alternative to the Meta-Differential Evolution.

As the experimental setup, we predicted glucose-level signal to cover a blind window of glucose-monitoring signal that results from a physiological lag in glucose transportation. Completely de-randomized differential evolution exhibited the same accuracy and precision as completely non-deterministic differential evolution.

They produced 93% of glucose levels with relative error less than or equal to 15%.