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TEST DSpace - Trials of Nazi Criminals in the Occupation zones

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


The theme of the publication is the phenomenon of the so-called Zone trials, i.e. the trials of Nazi criminals, which took place just after the end of the World War II in the territory of the individual occupation zones of divided Germany in the exclusive (possibly shared) jurisdiction of one of the four occupying powers (France, the Soviet Union, the United States of America and the United Kingdom). The first goal of this thesis is to analyze the trial programs implemented in each of the occupation zones and on the basis of these partial analyzes to obtain a generalized characteristics of each of the programs.

T e second goal is to compare each of the individual Zone trial programs. The third goal is to answer the question of whether and, if so, to what extent, the Zone programs of trials of Nazi criminals and Retribution trial programs implemented in the territory of Czechoslovakia were mutually influenced.