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Application Interactive Methods and Technologies of Teaching Chemistry at the ISCED 2

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Chemistry education solves problems related to the definition of new values in order to improve the quality of education, and problems of the teaching strategies that will stimulate the interest and commitment of the students for the natural sciences. The emphasis is on interactive teaching, using the subject matter in practice and work with ICT.

Therefore, our goal is to create and verify an interactive chemistry course for lower secondary schools based on the characteristics of interactive, ICT-connected education and more interesting presentation of the subject matter. The first stage of our work consisted of an analysis of previous studies to establish the theoretical foundations on which to the base the use of ICT.

This review allows us to corroborate about the direct relationship between the use of ICT and active learning. In the second stage, according to the different interactive chemistry programs and analysis of contents of the current chemistry subject curriculum in the Czech Republic and Kazakhstan, we developed interactive teaching materials for chemistry lessons with interesting embedded content for lower secondary schools.