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Revision of root-associated microfungi of Pinus wallichiana in Kashmir Himalaya

Publication at Faculty of Science |


A culture-free approach using RFLP profiling and the sequencing analysis of DNA extracted from fine root tips was used to identify ectomycorrhizal and other species present in the roots; however, numerous inconsistences in the interpretation of presented results indicated that the names assigned to particular sequences were incorrect. Therefore, sequences belonging to ascomycete microfungi (predominantly members of Helotiales) obtained in the study were reanalyzed to confirm their identification.

A simple phylogenetic analysis also utilizing closely related sequences from GenBank showed that the sequences from this study were mostly misidentified (i.e., placed in different clades than sequences having the same name but originating from taxonomic studies). Erroneous conclusions resulting from misidentified species and limited knowledge of relevant literature were corrected.

Despite numerous inconsistences, the study of Tyub et al. (2018) brought valuable data about fungal diversity and potential taxonomic novelties among helotialean fungi associated with coniferous roots.