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Teacher use of textbooks

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The publication focuses on the issue of the selection and use of teaching resources, with particular emphasis on the use of textbooks. It seeks a comprehensive approach to examining this issue - monitoring the use of teaching resources in the úhase planning the instruction by teachers, addressing resource selection issues and the factors affecting it, adapting resources in light of pupils' needs, the teaching resource characteristics that teachers prefer.

The research investigation itself, which the publication reports, focuses on the use of textbooks in primary social sciences and science education. In the first part of the publication, it summarizes theoretical knowledge attached to textbooks as didactic means, curious projects and products with certain characteristics and functions, knowledge related to textbook functions, and a pupil's textbook learning.

This knowledge is then set in the broader context of findings from research already carried out on textbooks and their selection and use. The second part of the publication consists of a description and results of the research carried out on the use of primary social sciences and science education textbooks.

The combination of the results of qualitative and quantitative investigations brings insight into the reality of textbook use in the Czech primary school, which can help to understand teachers' needs and enable their support to be directed in an adequate way.