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School garden - Discovering Educational Potential

Publication at Faculty of Education |


This paper brings information about an implemented action research the aim of which was to improve the complex educational use of a school garden. Primary goal of this study was aimed at the real use of school garden of a specific school in view of the fact of current findings of the research area of environmental education, didactics, special and social educational science.

Secondary goal included creating a strategy model for an action research, applicable in similar conditions of Czech's basic primary schools. The school which was chosen for the research includes special pre-school and primary school, pre-school and primary school oriented to children with serious speech impediments, primary school for children with special educational needs, special primary and secondary school.

A quantitative approach was chosen for this research. In fact it was action research with the design of a case study.

I decided to use in the research: observation, semi-structural interviews with the school management, teachers/tutors and pupils. In addition, both essencial curricular documents and so called EVVO programme (Environmental education for school and community) were submitted to analysis as they both are integral parts of the school concept.

The result of documents analysis, interviews and observations have brought out both advantages and limitations of school garden's use as a specific educational environment. During the gradual on going research the following facts came out that the needs of individual pupils using parts of the school are very different.

Therefore such needs influence the frequency and effectiveness of the school garden's use. Majority of the teachers and pupils involved perceived the school garden as an attractive, inspiring space which eliminates a vast range of problems existed in school buildings, e.g. the freedom of pupil's movement, choice of working position, sufficient amount of fresh air, natural light, noise abatement, etc., which all are aspects that remarkably can exert influence over the educational process and, at the same time, pupils' behaviour during learning process.