The paper discussed, with reference to earlier work (M. Petrusek, J. Vecernik, AO Hirschman, C. Offe, Ph. Schmitter, V. Bunce, M. Keen and J. Mucha, G. Csepeli and A. Örkény), several interrelated problems:
1. How did transformation studies or transitology originate, where did transformation experts and transitologists come from?
2. Which academic institutions and structures have played an essential role in shaping research on Central and Eastern European transformation?
3. What role did power hierarchies and inequalities of international academic field play in the development of this specialization? What type of outputs did produce the researchers from global academic centers and researchers from the countries studied?
4. What role did sociology play among the other social sciences involved in transformation studies?
5. What blank spots can be found in the theory of society explicitly or implicitly present in the transformation literature?