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(2671) Proposal to conserve the name Meniocus (Brassicaceae/Cruciferae) with a conserved type

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The generic name Meniocus was validly published by Desvaux (in J. Bot.

Agric. 3: 173. 1815 ('1814')) with a short diagnosis in French: "MENIOCUS, Desv.; silicule obovale, plane, glabre, sans rebord, grainees très-nombreuses, non bordées". Only one species, M. serpyllifolius (Desf.) Desv. (Alyssum serpyllifolium Desf., Fl.

Atlant. 2: 70. 1798), was included in Meniocus in the protologue (as "M. serpillifolium, Desv. (Alyssum serpillifolium, W.)", without further diagnosis or description, where "W." refers to the treatment of A. serpyllifolium Desf. in Willdenow, Sp. Pl. 3: 462. 1800).