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Food supplements with direct impact on athletic performance in contemporary world literature, part 1: bicarbonate, beta-alanine

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Bicarbonate supplementation to achieve better athletic performance is considered effective even nowadays. However, due to the need to apply bicarbonate in relatively high doses, as well as due to the occurrence of frequent adverse side effects, athletes and sports nutritionists have been looking for other alternatives. ß-alanine is currently considered the best alternative to bicarbonate.

According to current professional literature, both sodium bicarbonate and ß-alanine are among not many dietary supplements that directly and undoubtedly improve athletic performance. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that their effect is much less than the effect of means belonging to prohibited doping.

In addition, the effect of dietary supplements can vary individually. If possible, the athlete should thoroughly test his diet in training, which, with his character, would resemble as much as possible competitive performance and competitive conditions.