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Comparision of using communication gestures by aphasics and verification persons

Publication at Faculty of Education |


In my talk, I focus on comparision of using communication gestures by people with diagnosed aphasia (Broca, Wernicke, transcortical-motor aphasia) and so called verification people. In the group of so called pictographs (iconic gestures) belong iconographs (to draw an object in the air) and kinetographs (to represent a way or a speed of a movement).

Other independent group of gestures are so-called emblems, which means gestures conditioned by culture and concrete language. I dedicate special attention to deictic gestures and I further differentiate concrete deictic gestures, which can be used to point out a concrete object in space, or abstract deixis in the situation, when we point out empty space in front of our body while we describe an imaginary situation.

I compare 6 aphasics and 12 verification persons in my research.