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Kernelization of Graph Hamiltonicity: Proper H-Graphs

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We obtain new polynomial kernels and compression algorithms for Path Cover and Cycle Cover, the well-known generalizations of the classical Hamiltonian Path and Hamiltonian Cycle problems. Our choice of parameterization is strongly influenced by the work of Bir\'{o}, Hujter, and Tuza, who in 1992 introduced H-graphs, intersection graphs of connected subgraphs of a subdivision of a fixed (multi) graph H.

In this work, we turn to proper H-graphs, where the containment relationship between the representations of the vertices is forbidden. As the treewidth of a graph measures how similar the graph is to a tree, the size of graph H is the parameter measuring the closeness of the graph to a proper interval graph.

We prove the following results. - Path Cover admits a kernel of size O(||H||^8), where ||H|| is the size of graph H. In other words, we design an algorithm that for an n-vertex graph G and integer k\geq 1, in time polynomial in n and ||H||, outputs a graph G' of size Oh(||H||^8) and k'\leq |V(G')| such that the vertex set of G is coverable by k vertex-disjoint paths if and only if the vertex set of G' is coverable by k' vertex-disjoint paths. - Hamiltonian Cycle admits a kernel of size O(||H||^8). - Cycle Cover admits a polynomial kernel.

We prove it by providing a compression of size O(||H||^{10}) into another NP-complete problem, namely Prize Collecting Cycle Cover, that is, we design an algorithm that, in time polynomial in n and ||H||, outputs an equivalent instance of Prize Collecting Cycle Cover of size O(||H||^{10}). Our results assume that a proper $H$-decomposition is given as a part of the input.