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Economics of European professional football clubs and competitions

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Football club budgets continue to increase and the gap between the poor and the rich continues to grow. Europe is controlled by the teams of five elite competitions more than ever before.

What lies behind their success and why can't the clubs of lower-quality leagues match their standards? Writing a book focused on the economics of professional football is the result of the search for answers to these questions. Readers will have a chance to look into the background of the European clubs financing.

They will learn whether the clubs get more money from sponsors or TV companies, if drafting superstars is worth the effort, or who profits the most from entrance fees. The book will also reveal the different ways that clubs attract fans in Europe and America.

Both in football, and in this publication, everything revolves around money. However, clubs are not only interested in money, but also in successful competition.

Therefore, the author has examined the English Premier League to find out if it is possible to combine both, i.e. reach the top position in the local or European competition, and not lose money due to the high salaries of players or coaches. The final part of the book will reveal if there is a club which can achieve this.