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Radiation Exposure of Paediatric General Radiography, Fluoroscopy and CT Procedures in the Czech Republic - Pilot Study

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The pilot dose survey on paediatric general radiography, fluoroscopy and CT procedures was performed in four university hospitals. The analysis of data was focused on the radiography and CT imaging of head, chest, abdomen, pelvis and spine and fluoroscopic procedures of gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.

The survey was conducted by the National Radiation Protection Institute. Two hospitals exported data from the patient dose management system, while the others collected the data manually.

The methodology of diagnostic reference levels assessment was proposed and tested. Local diagnostic reference levels were calculated in terms of air kerma-area product PKA, CT air kerma-length product PKL,CT and volumetric CT air kerma index CVOL.

The lack of procedure standardisation, e.g. in tube voltage setting irrespective of patient's weight, was revealed at one hospital. Dose and exposure parameters distributions with respect to patient's anatomical constitution are presented in this article.

In future, this pilot study will be a base for national survey of paediatric diagnostic reference levels.