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Ichtyofauna of the Slapy River Reservoir (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic) and its long-term Fishery Management

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The main body of this contribution is the enumeration and characteristics of individual fish species which occur in the Slapy valley reservoir (Elbe River Basin, surface area 11.6 km2, Central Bohemia, Czech Republic) and its tributaries. Furthermore, the contribution deals with the evaluation of the fishing management of the reservoir from 1962 to 2016 considering fish stock and catches in angling of individual species.

Factors influencing the development and dynamics of the fish stock are also evaluated. The summary management of Slapy river reservoir is analyzed in terms of fish stocking and fishing yields.

In addition, the population dynamics trends of predatory and non-predatory fish species are analyzed on the basis of angling catches. In the conclusion, the current condition of the fish stock is evaluated and some minor recommendations for optimizing the fishing and angling management of this reservoir are proposed.