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Water quality assessment of running waters in the Vltava drainage (Bohemia, Czech Republic) inhabited by the brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri)

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The article presents outputs of long-term monitoring aiming at 14 physical, chemical and biological parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation, chemical oxygen demand by dichromate, biochemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, amoniacal nitrogen, total phosphorus, phosphate phosphorus, electrical conductivity, pH, saprobic index for macrozoobenthos) in 33 watercourses in the Vltava River Basin (Bohemia, the Czech Republic) where the European brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri) has been occurring for a long time. The water quality values found, i.e their means and variations, can be considered as suitable for viable European brook lamprey populations.

Trends in increasing average water temperature and decreasing elements strengthening eutrophication in waters caused by overabundance of nitrogen and phospohorus were confirmed.