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Subcategorization of adverbial meanings (boundary between cognitive content and linguistic meaning)

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The necessity to distinguish between cognitive content and linguistic meaning arose in European structural linguistics (Saussere, 1916) and was further elaborated in the Prague Linguistic Circle (Mathesius, 1942; Dokulil - Daneš, 1958; Daneš, 1974). In the contribution, we describe the practical aspects of applying the principle of distinguishing meaning and content to the task of delimitation of adverbial meanings, expressed by prepositional groups.

We present methodology and main principles we work with in completing the set of meanings of adverbials. We describe how we use the principle of substitutability of synonyms.

All the examples in the contribution relate to spatial adverbials but the principles apply to adverbials in general. Our theoretical framework is Functional Generative Description (Sgall et al., 1986).