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Building a Morphological Network for Persian on Top of a Morpheme-Segmented Lexicon

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


In this work, we introduce a new large hand-annotated morpheme-segmentation lexicon of Persian words and present an algorithm that builds a morphological network using this segmented lexicon. The resulting network captures both derivational and inflectional relations.

The algorithm for inducing the network approximates the distinction between root morphemes and affixes using the number of morpheme occurrences in the lexicon. We evaluate the quality (in the sense of linguistic correctness) of the resulting network empirically and compare it to the quality of a network generated in a setup based on manually distinguished non-root morphemes.

In the second phase of this work, we evaluated various strategies to add new words (unprocessed in the segmented lexicon) into an existing morphological network automatically. For this purpose, we created primary morphological networks based on two initial data: a manually segmented lexicon and an automatically segmented lexicon created by unsupervised MORFESSOR.
