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Depression, anxiety in ovarian cancer patient

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Objective: A summary article, which is concluding available data about the psychological alterations, especially depression and anxiety, in ovarian cancer patients. Design: Revue article.

Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospital in Hradec Kralove. Discussion: Depressive symptoms could arise as a consequence of the stress, which is the response to oncological diagnosis, treatment or relapse of the oncological disease.

This depressive condition is raising concerns in patients, family and health care professionals because it is significantly contributing to morbidity and at the same time is leading to the increase of the health care costs. In general the alteration of the physical and mental functions is reducing the average life expectancy.

The patients with serious gynecological cancer diagnosis are requiring psychological support, which is not always satisfactory from their family. It would therefore be desirable to establish professional centers or clinics providing counseling and psychotherapy.

Conclusion: The summary of the available research data about depression in a women with gynaecological cancer has pointed out not only connection between depression and ovarian cancer, but has also underlined the importance of this problematic for daily praxis and further intensive research.