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Contacts of Moravian Hallstatt Elites with West Hallstatt Culture on the Example of Burial Context

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The contribution deals with the theme of the ontacts of Moravian Hallstatt Elites with West Hallstatt Culture on the Example of Burial Context. It propose the state of the research, definion and exemples of the elite cases (immovable cases, movable cases - males, movable cases - females).

The autors also deals with the new chronology based on 76 graves / burrial contexts. Based on the knowledge of the exeption site Habrůvka - "Býčí skála" cave sanctuary, they are proposing central place and the new situation - they offer the concept of a transition from simple to a complex chieftain, the pre-state formation.

They also introduce the long distance contact of the elites, especially based on the example of wagons.