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Ferromagnetic-like behavior of Bi0.9La0.1FeO3-KBr nanocomposites

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We studied magnetostatic response of the Bi0.9La0.1FeO3-KBr composites (BLFO-KBr) consisting of nanosized (approximate to 100 nm) ferrite Bi0.9La0.1FeO3 (BLFO) conjugated with fine grinded ionic conducting KBr. When the fraction of KBr is rather small (less than 15 wt%) the magnetic response of the composite is very weak and similar to that observed for the BLFO (pure KBr matrix without Bi1-xLaxFeO3 has no magnetic response as anticipated).

However, when the fraction of KBr increases above 15%, the magnetic response of the composite changes substantially and the field dependence of magnetization reveals ferromagnetic-like hysteresis loop with a remanent magnetization about 0.14 emu/g and coercive field about 1.8 Tesla (at room temperature). Nothing similar to the ferromagnetic-like hysteresis loop can be observed in Bi1-zLazFeO3 ceramics with z = 0.15, which magnetization quasi-linearly increases with magnetic field.

Different physical mechanisms were considered to explain the unusual experimental results for BLFO-KBr nanocomposites, but only those among them, which are highly sensitive to the interaction of antiferromagnetic Bi0.9La0.1FeO3 with ionic conductor KBr, can be relevant.