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28 Nutrition in food allergy and food intolerance

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Food allergy and food intolerance are important factors in the 21st century allergic epidemic. Usually, it is the first to induce a systemic immunopathological reaction of the body, causing the dreaded immunological process, allergic inflammation.

The uncontrolled spread of this inflammation from one organ to another is called an allergic process. Food allergy is the first to start an imaginary and real relay in the future carriers of atopic eczema, allergic rhinitis or allergic asthma.

Probably also broke the fragile immunological tolerance of five percent of the Czech population, trying to domesticate allergic inflammation in its barriers, especially in the skin and mucous membranes. Sustained exposure to unrecognized and thus untreated food allergy sufferers will sooner or later affect the basic attributes of health - optimal growth, optimal development and optimal quality of life.

From the nutritional therapist's point of view, the chapter deals in detail with dietary measures for specific foods for different age groups, manifestations of allergic reactions to food, alternative nutritional substitutes, food adjustments, exemplary nutritional recommendations.