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Bohemia and Moravia - Local and Beaker: Bell Beaker Domestic Sites In the Context of the Late Eneolithic/Early Bronze Age Cultural Sequence, In: A. Gibson (ed.): Bell Beaker Settlement of Europe. The Bell Beaker phenomenon from a domestic perspective. Prehistoric Society Research Paper 9, Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 195-215. ISBN-10: 1789251249; ISBN-13: 978-1789251241

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The Bell Beaker phenomenon in Bohemia and Moravia was traditionally considered to be an alien cultural entity interrupting the local settlement continuity, but is this really the case? It is perhaps the specific decorated pottery coming from Western Europe, the emphasis on single burials coming from East and, more generally, the European spread of a certain degree of cultural uniformity that resulted in such views. However, looking at the evidence from domestic sites we can see much more in terms of local traditions, ties to the natural properties of the landscape and the traditions of Central European farming communities.

In studying this less visible and less obvious evidence of Beaker domestic sites, it is hoped that perhaps we may better understand the seemingly enigmatic phenomenon of the Beaker World.