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Early medieval diet in childhood and adulthood and its reflection in the dental health of a Central European population (Mikulčice, 9th–10th centuries, Czech Republic)

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to provide a detailed view of dental health in relationship to the diet of the Great Moravian population, with emphasis on childhood diet. DESIGN: We studied skeletal samples of the early medieval population of the Mikulčice agglomeration (Czech Republic) originating from the cemetery of the church VI (91 adults).

Stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen (intra-individual sampling - tooth and bone) was performed on this material, and dental characteristics (carious lesions, intensity of caries (I-CE), dental wear, linear enamel hypoplasia) evaluated. RESULTS: Isotopic signals obtained from tooth and bone samples of the same individuals differ significantly.

Tooth samples show higher δ13C and lower δ15N than bone samples. δ15N in tooth and bone samples is related to socio-economic status. We discovered a relationship between isotopic signals from tooth or bone and intensity of caries and dental wear.

CONCLUSION: We provide the first direct information about the diet of the juvenile part of the Great Moravian population from Mikulčice. The diet of children differed from the diet of adults.

Children consumed more millet and less animal protein than adults. The social stratification of this population was obvious in dietary composition from childhood.

Elites consumed more animal proteins than non-elite individuals. Tooth decay was related to relative consumption of plant and animal proteins.

Greater dental wear is related to a diet based on C3 plants. There was no significant connection between diet composition and the formation of enamel hypoplasia.