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Czech Validation Study of the Short Dark Triad (SD3)

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The presented study focused on the conversion of Daniel N. Jones's and Delroy L.

Paulhus's (2014) Short Dark Triad to the Czech language. The authors translated and administered the scale to a group of participants from the general population with age from 18- 84 years (N = 270).

The instrument evaluates three socially negative non-clinical personality traits. It is, used in research, human resources area and during job interviews for specific positions, forensic and clinical practice.

The present study presents the results of item analysis, confirmatory factor analysis of the three-factor model of the scale, reliability, and further the relationship of results with demogaphic variables. Age was significantly negatively correlated with all three scales, while gender differences were found only in Machiavellianism and Psychopathy.

Psychometric properties of Czech version of Short Dark Triad are acceptable, but its use in practise and interpretation of results must be cautious. Future studies should focus on more detailed test-retest reliability, as in the presented study this was done only on a small group of participants, or the influence of social desirability and specific selection situations.