If a player faces a pitching machine, he/she cannot see some important cues before the ball release, which are available if the player hits the balls delivered from a pitcher. The aim is to find, if hitting balls delivered from a pitching machine or a pitcher affect the players swing timing in softball.
This is a case study. The subject hit balls delivered from a pitcher and pitching machine.
This action was recorded by a high-speed video camera (200 fps). The swing timing was significantly different in specific phases of the swing.
The subject initiated her movement 0,24 s earlier when she faced the pitcher compared to the pitching machine (d = -0,90). T-tests revealed significant difference (p<0,05) in the backswing and forward swing duration in the pitcher and pitching machine conditions.
These differences show change in swing timing, which can affect he movement coordination. Because this is a case study, we can't generalize the results, but coaches should be aware about these issues.