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Kingfi sher (Alcedo atthis) nesting in the Bohemian Karst Protected Landscape Area and its surroundings in 2019 Kingfi sher (Alcedo atthis) nesting in the Bohemian Karst Protected Landscape Area and its surroundings in 2019 Kingfi sher (Alcedo atthis) nesting in the Bohemian Karst Protected Landscape Area and its surroundings in 2019 Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) nesting in the Bohemian Karst Protected Landscape Area and its surroundings in 2019

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Locations at the Berounka River, and especially its larger tributaries, such as the Radotínský, Svinařský and Loděnický streams (sometimes called "Kačák"), and at the Suchomastský Stream, one of the tributaries of the Litavka River, are the recurrent nesting sites of one of our most colourful birds - kingfi sher (Alcedo atthis). In 2019, a long-term project started, focused on mapping of nesting possibilities and monitoring of breeding success of this species in the Bohemian Karst Protected Landscape Area (PLA).

In the breeding season of 2019, 23 broods were realized in the Bohemian Karst PLA, of which 20 were successful and 3 were unsuccessful. Most of the nestlings and adults were ringed as a part of the project.

I e principal aim of the project is to fi nd the real nesting sites of kingfi sher, to ensure their legal protection, to determine their breeding success and observe the occupation of nesting sites by ringed individuals.