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A series of ecostratigraphic events across the Langhian/Serravallian boundary in an epicontinental setting: The northern Pannonian Basin

Publikace na Přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústřední knihovna |

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The SO-1 core situated in the NE part of the Pannonian Basin represents a parastratotype of the Badenian stage (regional Central Paratethys stage corresponding to the Langhian and Serravallian). A 150-m-thick succession was deposited between

14.2 and

13.5Ma (dated by the last common occurrence of Helicosphaera waltrans to the last occurrence of Sphenolithus heteromorphus) and spans the Langhian/Serravallian boundary. The section was subdivided into four units: (1) A transgressive carbonate-siliciclastic complex (core depth 150-122m) deposited in an inner to mid carbonate ramp setting. Carbonate deposition was episodically interrupted by the input of terrigenous phytodetritus as a result of increased precipitation. (2) Tuffaceous siltstone (core depth 122-48m) corresponding to a sea-level highstand. This unit starts with a Pteropoda immigration event (14.5-14.2Ma), which could be related to the closing of the Indian-Mediterranean corridor that triggered a change from Indian- to Atlantic-controlled surface circulation in the Mediterranean-Paratethys basin system. An enhanced proportion of high-nutrient markers and a decreased abundance of warm-water plankton might be indicative of eutrophication and cooling of Paratethyan waters at this time. (3) Lowstand sandstone (core depth 48-26m) indicating stabilization of sea-grass meadows with eutrophic and hypoxic conditions within their root system. A sea-level fall at this time is correlated with the Ser 1 event. (4) A Serravallian transgressive event (core depth 26-5m) associated with an increase in diversity of benthic assemblages and stabilization of stenohaline assemblages.