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Eyewitness identification fairness

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Criminalistic eyewitness identification is a very important source of information in the process of criminal proceedings, but it is also a procedure that can be a source of many mistakes. Identification of a person is very interesting from a psychological point of view and a deeper understanding of the factors that appear throughout the process contributes to the prevention of erroneous procedures.

It is a whole range of phenomena. Memory processes are involved in the situation, from the perception of situation, through the creation of a memory track, its preservation, to its presentation in criminal proceedings.

So called fairness of the eyewitness identification is one of the factors that occurs in the stage of obtaining information from a witness, ie in the process of criminal proceedings. Fair identification exposes the suspect to the possibility of being identified by the ratio: 1 / number of persons in the line-up.

The article deals with the development of the research of eyewitness identification fairness from the psychological point of view, discusses the conditions of creating a fair line-up, presents the recommended procedure and calculates fairness.