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Virtual Collection of Cuneiform Tablets as a Complex Multilevel System with Interdisciplinary Content

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The contribution deals with the architecture of a virtual collection of cuneiform tablets, conceived as a complex system combining and integrating several domains of information obtained from various types of analyses. The collection, containing some 400 Old Assyrian tablets from the excavations of Bedřich Hrozný in Kültepe (Turkey, ancient Kanesh) and originating in a narrow chronological window (ca. 20th-19th century BCE), is a special type of pottery with additional layer of textual information in cuneiform script.

The digitization of the collection includes the digital models of the artifacts (3D models, stereometric and standard photographs, Structure-from-Motion), but also additional data on individual objects (physical properties, such as dimensions, colour, shapes, composition). The textual part is made available via standard methods of corpus linguistics and philological data is grouped together for some important attributes (persons, goods, links).

The data stemming from the collection is connected with external data, placing the database in the context of cultural and historical development.