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Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Social competencies play an important role in interpersonal relationships. We understand them as a broad spectrum of human abilities, skills and knowledge.

In the personal psychological field, social competence is considered to be one of the key qualifications. Psychological diagnostics offer numerous options for measuring social competence.

We can use: a) cognitive performance methods (on a general level); b) observation and description of behavior (especially in social situations); c) measurement of complex indicators of competence (focus on the consequences of social behavior). The ISK Questionnaire - The Social Competence Inventory is based on self-assessment of the behavior and habits of an individual.

The output of the questionnaire is the differentiation of social behavior at the level of the primary scales (17), at the level of the secondary scales (4) and at the level of their mutual interactions. Research findings: 1) Social competencies and personality, 2) Social competencies for IT professionals.