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Emplacement and thermal effect of post-collisional Chewo Pluton (Arabian-Nubian Shield); implication for late East-African Orogeny

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The Chewo pluton built by pyroxene-amphibole to amphibole-biotite monzodiorite and quartz monzonite is a typical post-collisional intrusive body emplaced into a low-grade Neoproterozoic Tambien Group belonging to the Tokar-Barka Terrane in the southern Arabian-Nubian Shield. The pluton shows a high-K calc-alkaline and metaluminous composition with significant enrichment in both LREE and LILE due to hybridization and magma mixing between crustal and mantle-derived melts.

Estimated P-T conditions of quartz monzonite magma solidification at T: 703 +/- 23 degrees C and P: 0.32 +/- 0.08 GPa and thermal overprint in the pluton aureole at T: -200-755 degrees C and P: 0.28 +/- 0.06 GPa indicate that the Chewo pluton intruded at a depth of between ca. 10-13 km. The Chewo Pluton was emplaced diapirically, which was driven by a local extension in the hinge of the large-scale asymmetric syncline during the last increments of regional deformation - orogen-perpendicular WNW(NW)-ESE(SE) compression.

It indicates that the regional WNW(NW)-ESE(SE) shortening is the main geodynamic event of the East African Orogen in the upper-crustal Tokar-Barka Terrane resulting in the assembly of the eastern and western Gondwana continents. In concordance, the zircon U/Pb age of the Chewo pluton (618.1 +/- 1.5 Ma) provides the upper limit for the regional deformation.