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Sports preparation in a sprinting of youth athlete

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The main objective was to monitor and evaluate selected General Training Indicators (OTU) and Special Training Indicators (STU) over a two-year period of athletic preparation of a young sprinter in the older U15. Comparisons were made for selected training indicators.

The observation method and the content analysis of the training documents were used in the submission. The training documents were obtained from the trainer of the individual under observation, selected from them by OTU and STU, which were evaluated by basic statistical procedures and subsequently processed into tabular and graphic form and into commentary form.

Thanks to established procedures, we noted that for MB, OTU volumes increased over a two-year period after a year. There was also an increase in load volume in all selected STU.

An interesting finding is that the individual under observation began to experience health complications after a year of systematic preparation